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Collaborative Microbial Metabolite Center


Welcome to the Collaborative Microbial Metabolite (CMMC) Center at the UC San Diego and UC Riverside. The goal of the CMMC is to build a microbial metabolite knowledgebase with and for the scientific community according to the RFA Identification and Characterization of Bioactive Microbial Metabolites. This center is supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Advancing Research on Microbe-Diet-Host Interactions Knowledgebase Management Center (U24) grant mechanism - RFA Link.

Key Objectives

We aim to capture the knowledge about microbial metabolites, even detectable but uncharacterized microbial metabolites to build a microbial metabolite knowledgebase. The goal of the knowledgebase is to ensure it can be reused to make it easier to mechanistically understand the functional role of the microbiome. This will be accomplished through digitizing the relationships between diet, host and microbial metabolism and the activities of the metabolites.

Tools created by the CMMC with and for the community

Here is a list of tools that were developed specifically for the CMMC that is in conjunction with the computational tools available at UCSD and UCR.

Microbial metabolite knowledge upload portal

To build the microbial knowledgebase, we have generated an upload portal. This will generate the foundational knowledgebase to enable future tool building. As RO1 grantees add to the knowledgebase, it will be immediately usable in GNPS-based molecular networking (Link) so that microbial metabolite knowledge can be immediately identified from complex samples.

The upload portal can be accessed here, where it is possible to do a single or batch upload.

The knowledgebase is being constantly updated with new inputs from the community and can be accessed here.


MicrobeMASST allows MS/MS searches against >60,000 LC-MS/MS files from cultured bacteria and fungi. Such searches allow the user to observe whether the same MS/MS (or analog) belongs to a microbial metabolite of interest.

For more information about microbeMASST, check out the preprint currently available!

Network enrichment workflow

The Molecular Networking enrichment workflow was also developed to enable users to reuse the knowledgebase to interpret their own datasets and how microbial metabolites could be playing a role in a specific study.

R01s Supported by CMMC

This infrastructure is being built with R01's that responded to Identification and Characterization of Bioactive Microbial Metabolites for Advancing Research on Microbe-Diet-Host Interactions (R01) Here is a link to all the current R01 grantees that received awards under this mechanism - All R01 Grants Link. In addition, the CMMC will be curated with the large scientific community.


Pieter C. Dorrestein - UC San Diego - Lab Link

Mingxun Wang - UC Riverside - Lab Link

Nuno Bandeira - UC San Diego

Robin Knight - UC San Diego

Database Statistics Summary

CMMC-KB Growth

New InchiKeys Total InchiKeys CMMC depositions graph

CMMC-KB - Top contributors*

User Depositions %
wilhan.nunes 25489 81.71
fernandaoliveira 2241 7.18
amcaraballor 789 2.53
helenamrusso 442 1.42
luciacancelada 339 1.09
hfaassen 274 0.88
zhaohaoq 204 0.65
simonezuffa 185 0.59
smagyari 178 0.57
ikoester 151 0.48
yasel 148 0.47
fvasquezcastro 111 0.36
GiovanniAndrea 102 0.33
spthomas 102 0.33
mohantyipsita92 88 0.28
ACumsille 67 0.21
iliakopsofia 63 0.20
moyses 48 0.15
liviasoman 40 0.13
pwpgomes 39 0.13
rrtorres 27 0.09
monicamonge 20 0.06
oloap2 10 0.03
sabina.llarosa 9 0.03
tekela 9 0.03
sh1646 8 0.03
neavalon 6 0.02
berenike.wagner 4 0.01

*Top contributors in terms of total USIs deposited. This may not represent unique compounds.
As of: 10/31/2024

Last update: October 31, 2024 18:43:59